Siebenthaler Begins Term as Foundation Board Chair

In the world of landscaping, where transformations are measured in vibrant blooms and lush greenery, Robert Siebenthaler is accustomed to witnessing tangible results. As president of Siebenthaler’s, Rob has mastered the art of cultivating beauty from the ground up, turning ordinary spaces into rich havens.

“Siebenthaler’s journey began as a nursery selling fruit trees and grape vines in 1870, and today, we proudly have two garden centers and a wonderful landscaping team,” shares Rob. “We are granted the distinct privilege of transforming what may initially be unappealing into a thing of beauty. Our work not only enhances the community but also contributes to the overall attractiveness of our surroundings, offering a unique opportunity for meaningful impact.”

Rob’s expertise in orchestrating visual masterpieces isn’t limited to the greenery that flourishes under his care. In a parallel role as the new Chair of the Miami Valley Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees, Rob extends his knack for positive results to the realm of community service.

“Miami Valley Hospital and Premier Health are institutional pillars in the community,” explains Rob. “Joining this team and seeing the positive impact they are making is really what drove me to volunteering with the Foundation and trusting in their mission.”

Rob says he believes in investing in the future of Dayton through a robust medical and educational system, considering it more of an investment than philanthropy. He expressed a personal interest in the medical world and shared his enthusiasm for contributing to the health care sector through his role on the board.

“I have always been inspired and interested in the medical field,” explains Rob. “Personally, I think if I was not born with a green thumb, I believe I would have worked in health care. Working with the Foundation allows me to get a glimpse of how the medical world operates and allows me to do a small part in helping people.”

Rob’s journey with the Miami Valley Hospital Foundation spans six years, during which he has been actively involved in funding priorities meetings. He expressed pride in supporting projects that make a tangible difference in health care operations, even if they eventually become routine. Rob appreciates the opportunity to fund initiatives that improve health care standards and become integral to the hospital’s daily operations.

“As we welcome Rob into his new role as chair of the Board of Trustees, we look forward to witnessing the positive impact he will undoubtedly bring to the Miami Valley Hospital Foundation,” says Jenny Lewis, MBA, CFRE, system vice president of philanthropy at Premier Health and president and CEO of Miami Valley Hospital Foundation. “His dedication to community service, coupled with his leadership in the business sector, positions him as a valuable asset in steering the Foundation toward continued success.”

Rob’s term as chair for the Foundation began in June and will run through June 2026.