Free Community Health Fairs Supported by Miami Valley Hospital Foundation
Premier Health and CVS Pharmacy® will host free community health fairs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the CVS Pharmacy® parking lots on Wednesday, February 16, 7541 N. Main St., in Dayton, and Thursday, February 24, 1300 N. Barron St., in Eaton.
The screenings will be held in the Premier Community Health Mobile Clinic. Screenings will include:
- blood pressure
- body mass index
- blood sugar
- cholesterol/HDL, and
- hemoglobin A1c
Registration is highly recommended. Walk-ins are accepted upon availability. To register, call 866-608-3463.
Anyone 18 years or older is eligible to participate in the biometric screenings. Those receiving health screenings will obtain their results immediately. Our health professionals will recommend any follow-up care individuals may need.
Screenings are supported by Atrium Medical Center and Miami Valley Hospital Foundations and Maxon Foundation.